Dr. Az Hakeem has dedicated much of his professional life to psychoanalyzing and serving the UK trans population. He pioneered a support group model that brought together pre-ops and post-ops and created a space where unfiltered honesty trumped affirmation. He's written two books on the topic of transition/detransition and has shared his expertise in various interviews and documentaries. For all of these reasons, The Navel Gays found his recent appearance on the Gender: A Wider Lens podcast particularly frustrating.
In this episode, we react to Dr. Hakeem's very own trans typology and interrogate how it stacks up to the Blanchard model. We question whether there's a meaningful difference between fetishistic and non-fetishistic transvestism, discuss the undeniable autism connection, and argue that autogynephilia is not just a genital fetish.
For the sake of time, we played the original conversation at 1.5 speed. Here’s the full episode we’re reacting to:
Here’s Ray Alex Williams’ episode with Dr. Bailey Tali mentioned:
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